Say What? Fox Calls President Obama’s Birthday Party A ‘Hip-Hop BBQ’ « Clutch Magazine
The people over at Fox News never seem to disappoint. This time, their dysfunctional cousin, Fox Nation, is the one acting up.
Last night the President held a star-studded 50th birthday party at the White House. The guest list included everyone from Al Sharpton and UBS Investment Bank President Robert Wolf, to Nancy Pelosi, Secretary Tim Geithner, Secretary Arne Duncan, Secretary Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder, David Axelrod, David Plouffe, Valerie Jarrett, Jay-Z, Chris Rock, Stevie Wonder, and former NBA baller Charles Barkley.
After news of the party made headlines, Fox Nation–the quirky conservative arm of Fox News–called the President’s birthday gala a “Hip-Hop BBQ.”
I guess since the whole “Obama is a radical Muslim” meme is played out, now they have to make it seem like he’s a scary Black man from the hood?
Good luck with that, Fox.